Our interest is to know and resolve your concerns to improve our service. Sign in to our system of requests, complaints, claims, suggestions, and reports (IPQRs).
Carrera 11 No. 84 - 09 Floor 10
Bogotá - Colombia
Bogotá Phone Line:
+ 57 (601) 3250200 EXT 60642
National phone line:
Service hours:
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For in-person attention, you may submit your IPQRs verbally to any Ocensa employee or book an appointment through:
Bogota Phone Line:
+ 57 (601) 3250200 EXT 60642
Service hours:
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.
and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
We receive inquiries, ethical dilemmas and complaints about situations that could jeopardize the compliance with regulations related to the prevention of corruption, money laundering, funding of terrorism, and issues related to the possible violation of Human Rights through the Ethics and Compliance Line.
After you submit your inquiry, ethical dilemma, or complaint, we will assign you a consecutive number with which you can provide further information and follow up.
National phone number: 0180009121013
Direct phone number Bogotá +57 (601) 3250365
As part of Ocensa’s relationship model and as one of the permanent and direct channels of communication between the company and shareholders, you can report inquiries, petitions, complaints, claims and suggestions (IPQRs) with Ocensa to have a response from the company.
The attention to IPQRs that you report will be conducted diligently and as promptly as possible, therefore you will receive a complete and detailed response within a maximum term of 10 working days if it is a request for information and 15 working days for other requests, complaints, claims and suggestions.
If the IPQRs is the responsibility of the contractor, it will be transferred within a maximum period of 5 days so that it can be dealt with by the contractor.
Carrera 11 No. 84 - 09 Floor 10
Bogotá - Colombia
Bogota Phone Line:
+ 57 (601) 3250200 EXT 60642
National phone number:
As support for filling out your IPQRs, we explain what a petition, complaint, claim, and suggestion consist of
An application submitted by an individual or legal entity to get:
An expression of non-conformity in relation to Ocensa’s activities, works, services or actions, which in addition includes a request for a solution to the non-conformity.
An expression of protest, displeasure, non-conformity, or disagreement in relation to Ocensa’s activities, works, services or accidents.
Proposal, idea, or recommendation for the improvement of an Ocensa process or actions.
To make a request for information with a reserved identity for the National General Inspector’s Office, you must go to the following link.
If you need to follow up on the status of your IPQRs you can contact us in Bogota:
Bogota Phone Line:
(601) 3250200 Ext. 0642
At OCENSA it is free of charge to report IPQRs as well as any copies of the information requested, when applicable.