

In the tireless sunsets of the Orinoquía, our operation begins in the Cupiagua field and continues towards the Cusiana and El Porvenir stations.

Territory of Casanare

Exploring Casanare is like going into a land with extensive flooded savannahs and significant water sources in almost all of its 44,490 km2 of territory. The Orinoquía region, of the llanera culture and the tireless sunsets, is where our operation begins in the Cupiagua field and continues to the Cusiana and El Porvenir stations. We invite you to a trip through the territory where the energy that we move for Colombia is born.

Characteristics of the topography and geographical features in the area of the department of Casanare where the pipeline route begins and three stations are located: Cupiagua, Cusiana and El Porvenir.


Navigate the map horizontally

Loma de los sabios
Meseta Guichire
Banco de Hábitat del Meta
Río Tua
Río Chitamena
Río Surimena
Río Caja
Río Cusiana
Río Chiquito
Río Unete


Cupiagua - Cusiana


39 kilometer


Cusiana - El Porvenir


33 kilometer


290 msnm


460 msnm

El Porvenir

500 msnm


Generación de valor con grupos de interés

La perspectiva de generación de valor compartido con grupos de interés establece los siete objetivos de medio que apalancan integralmente el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos de sostenibilidad, identificando como grupos de interés de Ocensa a sus clientes, accionistas e inversionistas, comunidad y sociedad, contratistas y estado.

Espacios de confianza

Tenemos el propósito de extender lazos de confianza para aportar al progreso y a la sostenibilidad del territorio que impactamos. Para esto, propiciamos espacios de comunicación bidireccional que permiten fortalecer el relacionamiento. Asimismo, activamos mecanismos de diálogo y participación ciudadana que contribuyen al desarrollo sostenible del transporte de hidrocarburos, clave para el progreso de la región.


Participamos en comités de seguimiento en los municipios de Tauramena y Monterrey.

Mujer y desarrollo

Cuidamos de nuestras comunidades y reconocemos el papel decisivo que tienen las mujeres en el bienestar y el desarrollo de los territorios. Esto nos ha llevado a encontrar grandes oportunidades para contribuir con su educación, independencia económica y reparación del tejido familiar. Es así como hemos llevado a cabo un programa enfocado en las mujeres cuyo objetivo ha sido dignificarlas y empoderarlas.


  • Vivienda En 2015, 47 casas mejoradas en Monterrey. Entre 2016 y 2018, 25 casas mejoradas en Aguazul. Entre 2019 y 2020, se construyeron y mejoraron 28 casas en Aguazul. Entre 2017 y 2018, 22 casas mejoradas en Sabanalarga. En 2017, 96 casas mejoradas en Tauramena.
  • Educación 73 mujeres han sido beneficiadas con acceso a programas técnicos o profesionales.

Liderazgos que transforman

Estamos convencidos que las Juntas de Acción Comunal –JAC- en sí mismas son un punto de encuentro comunitario, una relación entre pares y un diálogo permanente que configura la relación de la ciudadanía con el Estado. Por esta razón, y reconociendo el potencial que éstas tienen para incidir en el destino de las personas que representan, creamos el proyecto Liderazgos que Transforman con el fin de fortalecer habilidades y capacidades de los líderes y lideresas del territorio.


Acompañamos 21 JAC en 4 municipios de Casanare: Aguazul (6), Tauramena (7), Monterrey (5) y Sabanalarga (3).

Reactivación sostenible

Es un proyecto que durante los últimos dos años ha impulsado la actividad empresarial rural, brindándole a los emprendedores opciones para asegurar su sustento y aportar al progreso de su comunidad con conocimientos y herramientas necesarias para que sus negocios sean rentables y sostenibles.


  • Productos Apos (Tauramena): empresa liderada por mujeres y dedicada a la investigación, elaboración y comercialización de jabones y aceites ecológicos y orgánicos, algunos de ellos con propiedades medicinales.
  • Capacidad de Asociación Escuela de Artes y Oficios (Sabanalarga): Es una unidad productiva liderada por mujeres del sector urbano y de las veredas del municipio, enfocada en la confección, artesanías y gastronomía a partir de la naranja.
  • Presta el Aloe Moncas (Monterrey): en esta empresa la sábila orgánica es protagonista por medio de su producción y comercialización a través de estructuras organizativas bastante importantes.


Ecosystems: from the calm savannahs to the rugged llanero foothills

Located in the Oriental Plains is one of Colombia's greatest treasures of biodiversity. Its ecosystems have natural savannas, gallery forests, moriche palm, wetlands, rivers, lagoons and estuaries which are the habitat of fish, birds, mammals and reptiles.

Growing along the margins of streams, creeks and rivers, gallery forests are the custodians of water in the vast plains of the eastern part of Colombia. Together with the moriche palm, they are fundamental ecosystems for regulating the flows of water, both in times of flooding and in the long summers, also connecting almost 40% of the country's micro-watersheds. Uncountable species find refuge, food and mobility corridors there.

Another ecosystem that constitutes an extensive exchange corridor between the north and south of the country is the sub-Andean forest that grows in Casanare. It receives the rivers that descend from the Eastern Cordillera to the plains, becoming the source of life for the amphibious ecosystems of the Casanare savannas.

Our area of influence is located in the llanero foothills with the municipalities of Aguazul, Tauramena, Monterrey and Sabanalarga. The foothills are the transition area from the extensive and peaceful savannahs of the Orinoco to the rugged Eastern Cordillera.

Meta Habitat Bank

In San Martin de los Llanos, Meta, the first habitat bank in Colombia and Latin America was founded in 2016. The purpose: to protect the natural forests and savannas of the Orinoco region on which water resources and other regional ecosystem services depend.

There are 602 hectares in the water zone of the Meta river and the hydrographic subregion of the Metica river, in which the restoration of degraded ecosystems and the conservation of the natural forest is sought. In order to ensure an effective environmental compensation, the people involved in the project are planning to ensure permanent and sustainable conservation results for 30 years.

The scope of the project's impact area includes part of the departments of Meta, Cundinamarca, Boyaca, Casanare and Vichada. Given our operation in Casanare, with the stations of Cupiagua, Cusiana and El Porvenir, it has been very helpful to be part of the habitat bank to comply with the activities derived from the environmental compensation duties.


The hydrographic treasures of Casanare is one of its most important strengths and is defined by the rivers that descend from the Eastern Cordillera and by the rain cycle that floods the savannah each year.

In the interconnected water network, all biological processes and human activities, such as agriculture, fishing and transportation, are related and mainly depend on the frequency, length and magnitude of flood and drought cycles. The channels, streams, rivers and wetlands are the habitat of uncountable species of all biological groups that, at the same time, participate in the migratory activity of organisms.

Along the pipeline route are the Charte, Seco, Unete, Chitamena and Túa rivers, which flow down from the Eastern Cordillera, pass through the Casanareño foothills and reach the Upía and Cusiana rivers, ending up in the waters of the great Meta river.

In addition to the mentioned tributaries the following rivers are significant: Upía, Cusiana, Cravo Sur, Guanapalo, Pauto, Guachiría, Agua Clara, Ariporo, Aricaporo, Dumagua, Duya, Caja, Suner, Chamezano, Tonce, La Palmera, Tocaría, Nunchía, Payero, Tenecito, Chire and Chiquito.


According to the zone, the temperature varies from 22° C. to 27 °C. In the plains foothills the climate is humid, in the Andean zone it cools down and in the savannahs it tends to be tropical (27° C.)

In most of Casanare, which is dominated by savannas, there is an annual cycle of four hydrological seasons.

In the first phase, the plants have enough water in the soil; then, the land is completely flooded; subsequently, the soil dries out and water availability returns to normal conditions; and finally, the plants experience an extreme drought. Experts define this contrast as hyper-seasonal savannas.


The diverse ecosystems of Casanare are a source of life for countless species of all biological groups. The areas with hydrological sources, in addition to sustaining the amphibious ecosystems in the savannah, are host to 46% of the country's fish and 40% of its birds, in addition to 196 species of mammals and 122 reptiles.

The most well-known species in the region are: the branick's rat or pacarana, the giant otter, the red-colored cat, the ocelot or margay, the woolly monkey, the white heron, the dikkops, the Cracidae and the scarlet ibis.


Municipality of Aguazul

Aguazul is located at the end of the savannahs and the beginning of the llanero foothills, in the Eastern Cordillera. With steep slopes and flat areas irrigated by three main rivers: Cusiana, Unete and Charte, it is a young municipality (founded in 1954) where livestock and mainly rice production are the basis of economic activity. Since 1992 it has been recognized as a petroleum municipality, since it is the location of the Cupiagua field, a source of significant royalties for the population.

Every year, in the last week of january, it takes place the National Rice Festival and beauty pageant to show the importance of the grain in the region and in the llanera culture. It is easy to get there, since there are several road routes from Bogota (360 km approx.) or by flight through the airport of Yopal, 27 km from Aguazul.

Learn more about Aguazul

Municipality of Tauramena

Tauramena is located on a large elongated plateau, with the llanero foothills to the west and in the middle of the Caja and Chitamena rivers, an oil and llanero municipality by excellence.

Although most of its revenues come from royalties of the Cusiana oil field, its economy is diversifying and promoting agricultural and livestock activities. Historically, the area has been a cattle-raising tradition, with an emphasis on the production and marketing of milk and its byproducts. In agriculture, large extensions of rice crops dominate the savannas; however, small plots of land where plantains, corn, and cassava are harvested for self-consumption are also important.

A notable issue in its land management plan is the existence of five environmental protection areas: forest protecting fauna and hydrological resources, micro-watersheds supplying potable water, landscaped micro-watersheds, wetlands and natural reserves.

Learn more about Tauramena

Municipality of Monterrey

Arriving at Monterrey is leaving the vast flooded savannahs of Casanare to ascend to the llanero foothills, on the eastern slope of the Eastern Cordillera. The municipality has warm and medium thermal floors at altitudes ranging from 300 to 2,000 m.a.s.l.. It has significant rivers for the region such as the Guafal, Los Hoyos and Tacuya, in addition to numerous streams and creeks.

The key tributary in the life of the people of Monterrey is the Tua river, which practically is located just a few meters away from the urban center. Between december 29th and january 3rd of each year, it is celebrated in its beaches the Summer Festival with beach and adventure sports, cowboy sports and the participation of musical groups and folklorists of the region.

Due to its topography, in Monterrey is not prevalent the farming of rice as it is in the majority of Casanare. Its most significant economic activities are livestock and agriculture represented by coffee production, cocoa, sugar cane, plantains, cassava, cotton, sorghum and corn.

Although Monterrey does not have oil wells, it has an oil station, El Porvenir, from which it stores and transports different types of crude oil.

Learn more about Monterrey


Cupiagua Station


Ocensa’s pipeline layout begins at the Cupiagua station, 15 minutes from the municipality of Aguazul, Casanare. Here arrives the production of crude oil from the Cupiagua field that is pumped to the Cusiana station.

  • Functions: pumping and storage
  • Storage capacity: 50,000 barrels

Cusiana Station


Located in Tauramena, the station provides 50% of the volumes transported by the entire pipeline. It has an infrastructure which allows it to receive crude oil production from the following fields: Cusiana, Cupiagua, ODL and Araguaney. It has a tank car unloading station with a capacity to receive 80 KBPD that operates 24 hours a day and a storage system of 1,150,000 barrels.

  • Functions: unloading, pumping, and storage.
  • Storage capacity: 950,000 barrels
  • Provides dilution service

El Porvenir Station


It is the third station of the Ocensa pipeline and with it begins the upstream of the line through the Eastern Cordillera. Its operation is focused on the reception, storage, and delivery of several types of crude oil. It has a storage capacity of 260,000 barrels.

  • Functions: pumping and storage
  • Storage capacity: 260,000 barrels
  • Start of pothole patching system (batches)

