

Here, the La Belleza station (2,100 m.a.s.l.) is key in reducing the pressure of the pipeline given the accentuated descent to the Vasconia station (130 m.a.s.l.) in Boyacá.

Territory of Santander

The lands of Santander are divided by two major reliefs: the Middle Magdalena Valley and the Eastern Cordillera. The Magdalena valley, to the west of the department, is characterized by flat and gently undulating relief until it crosses the Magdalena River, bordering Antioquia. The eastern cordillera covers a large part of the department in a broken land with steep slopes and heights above 3,000 m.a.s.l.

The entry and exit of the pipeline in Santander

Upon crossing the boundary that divides the departments of Boyaca and Santander, at kilometer 180 of the pipeline, the Suarez river appears, irrigating the province of Velez; this region has a temperate and dry climate and is recognized for its rich folklore, music and agricultural industry, especially for the farming of guava and the production of guava paste. In the highest area of the province are the dreamy landscapes of the municipalities of Florian and La Belleza, in this last one is located the Ocensa station at 2,100 m.a.s.l. From there, the pipeline begins its descent to the Vasconia station (130 m.a.s.l.) in Puerto Boyacá, Boyacá.

Descending the cordillera, we briefly enter into the department of Boyaca, across the emerald region of Otanche and the hilly of Las Quinchas, to mouth into the valley of the Magdalena. The tropical rainforests and swamps of the middle basin of the river Grande de Nuestra Señora de la Magdalena, as this was originally baptized the backbone of the country, are located in northeastern of Antioquia, southern of Bolivar and Bajo Cauca of Antioquia, between the foothills of the Central Cordillera and the San Lucas mountain range.

Characteristics of the topography and geographic features in the area of the department of Santander where La Belleza station is located.


Navigate the map horizontally

Pipeline entrance
to Boyacá
Hilly country of
La Quincha
Pipeline entrance
to Antioquia
La Belleza
Pipeline entrance
to Santander
Páramo de Santurbán
Magdalena River
Minero River
La Venta Ravine
Negro River
  • 1 Colombian Pipeline
  • 2 Vasconia Barrancabermeja Pipeline
  • 3 Vasconia V26 Barrancabermeja Pipeline
  • 4 Upper Magdalena Pipeline


Miraflores - La Belleza


85 kilometers


La Belleza - Vasconia


319 kilometers

La Belleza

2.100 m.a.s.l


Conectamos territorios, culturas y vidas con el progreso

Contribuimos al desarrollo regional, conectamos potencial, diversidad y geografía para aportar al desarrollo sostenible de nuestros territorios, a través de proyectos y actividades que cumplen con las obligaciones socioambientales, así como de iniciativas de inversión social y ambiental voluntarias.

Mujer y desarrollo

Cuidamos de nuestras comunidades y reconocemos el papel decisivo que tienen las mujeres en el bienestar y el desarrollo de los territorios. Esto nos ha llevado a encontrar grandes oportunidades para contribuir con su educación, independencia económica y reparación del tejido familiar. Es así como hemos llevado a cabo un programa enfocado en las mujeres cuyo objetivo ha sido dignificarlas y empoderarlas.


  • Vivienda En 2018 mejoramos 55 viviendas en Jesús María. En 2019 construimos 24 viviendas en La Belleza. En 2020 mejoramos 90 viviendas en Florián.
  • Educación 9 mujeres se han beneficiado con becas para educación superior.

Liderazgos que transforman

Estamos convencidos que las Juntas de Acción Comunal –JAC- en sí mismas son un punto de encuentro comunitario, una relación entre pares y un diálogo permanente que configura la relación de la ciudadanía con el Estado. Por esta razón, y reconociendo el potencial que éstas tienen para incidir en el destino de las personas que representan, creamos el proyecto Liderazgos que Transforman con el fin de fortalecer habilidades y capacidades de los líderes y lideresas del territorio.


Acompañamos 15 JAC en 5 municipios de Santander: Albania (2), Florián (4), Jesús María (2), La Belleza (3) y Puente Nacional (4).

Reactivación sostenible

Es un proyecto que durante los últimos dos años ha impulsado la actividad empresarial rural, brindándole a los emprendedores opciones para asegurar su sustento y aportar al progreso de su comunidad con conocimientos y herramientas necesarias para que sus negocios sean rentables y sostenibles.


  • Asociación de Mujeres Rural Florianense (ASMUFLORIÁN): es un grupo de mujeres que trabajan en el cultivo de la hoja de bijao, planta que preserva las fuentes hídricas y que se encuentra en las riberas y cuencas de los ríos. Estas mujeres han ganado apoyos para volver más sostenible la producción y aprovechar los residuos de su actividad en la creación de bolsas y otros productos.
Women and Development: a commitment to equity

It is an enriching and inspiring experience, whose objective has been to dignify and ...

Know the project
Better housing promotes a better family

More than 90 families have been benefited with housing improvement projects in Florian and La Belleza....

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New markets for local productive projects

In order to create new tools for entering into new markets, we support two ...

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The Magdalena Medio region of Santander has wetlands at 100 m.a.s.l. and are located in the region of the middle valley of the Magdalena river, mainly in the flood plains to the south, in the municipality of Cimitarra, and to the north, in the municipality of Puerto Wilches.

According to data from the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Santander, the Magdalena Medio area includes 69 wetlands located in 7 municipalities. The municipality with the largest number of wetlands is Puerto Wilches with 36, it also shares 8 wetlands with Sabana de Torres. In Barrancabermeja 11 wetlands were identified, in Simacota one shared with Barrancabermeja, in Puerto Parra 8, in Cimitarra 12 and finally in the municipality of Bolivar one wetland was found.

In the mountainous area of this department, the Almorzadero paramo stands out, where is located the "Lagunas-Turberas" complex, which is important for its capacity to store water and regulate water flows.


The Magdalena river is the main source of the hydrological system of the Magdalena Medio in Santander. The right bank of the river receives important tributaries such as the Carare, El Opon, Lebrija and Sogamoso rivers, which receive rivers from Suarez and Chicamocha. Noteworthy.

As it flows through the department, the Magdalena river drains part of the municipalities of Bolívar, Cimitarra, Puerto Parra, Barrancabermeja and Puerto Wilches, and at the same time represents the natural boundary between the departments of Santander and Antioquia.

From the mountain area the water comes from the Almorzadero paramo. A vital ecosystem to reload the aquifers which begin the production of water currents that reach to the Chicamocha River, one of the most important rivers in the department.


The geographical position and its diverse topography define the meteorological characteristics of the department. When increasing from 100 m.a.s.l., on the banks of the Magdalena river, to an altitude of 4,200 m.a.s.l., a diversity of climates and microclimates are found in four basic thermal floors: warm, temperate, cold and paramo.

If you are looking for warm weather, the northwest of the department in the municipalities of Sabana, Puerto Wilches and Barrancabermeja, and in general the banks of the Magdalena river, record warm temperatures above 28°C . Average temperatures can be found in the lower basins areas of Sogamoso, Fonce and Chicamocha rivers. Along the limits with North of Santander, temperatures decrease considerably, registering values lower than 8°C.


In the highlands of the Almorzadero paramo as in the middle valley of the Santander and Magdalena river, the group of species with the most abundant species are birds, followed by mammals, reptiles and amphibians.


In the Eastern Cordillera, with presence in the department of Santander, there are areas of humid forest and rainforest. The flood zones of the middle Magdalena river valley have marshes with three types of communities: gallery forests, grasses used for cattle raising, and the aquatic community formed by water hyacinth and grasses. Many areas have surrendered to the colonization of large areas now covered by pastures for cattle ranching.

Paramo of Santurban

Located in the highlands of the Eastern Cordillera, between the departments of Santander and North of Santander, it has an area of nearly 142,000 hectares and includes altitudes between 2,800 and 4,290 m.a.s.l. This massif is noted for the diversity and beauty of its fauna, as well as being the natural source of several water springs that supply water to the populations of the region, including Bucaramanga, and the Tasajero thermoelectric power plant in North of Santander.

The soil of the paramo is divided into four categories:

  • Paramo greenery (50.3% of the area)
  • Andean forests (27.1% of the area)
  • Agricultural and livestock mixed lands and other intervention (22.5% of the area). This category includes mining areas, mainly in the municipalities of Vetas and Californi
  • Wetlands (0.1% of the area).

Hilly country of Las Quinchas

The hilly country is part of the Las Quinchas Forest Reserve. There are around 30,000 hectares that include areas in the departments of Santander, Boyacá and Cundinamarca. It is important for the variety of fauna and wildlife, and for its endemic species such as amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds. It is considered by others as the second largest biodiversity reserve in Latin America, just after the Amazon.


Municipality of La Belleza

At 2,100 m.a.s.l. there are many landscapes which can be appreciated from a municipality such as La Belleza. Here, there is cold and warm land, with mountain systems such as the cuchillas of El Minero and La Tipa, cords of El Filo and Sitio Nuevo. Rivers such as the Blanco or Peñabonita, Minero and Negro, the Moravia Lagoon and numerous ravines.

With the Eastern Cordillera as a platform, it is a population whose main economic activities are livestock and agriculture. Most of the land is small farmstead, small properties and, in the cold areas, numerous ¼ hectare gardens are cultivated with potatoes, corn, white carrot, onions, tomatoes, cabbage and carrots.

La Belleza station is located 4 minutes from the urban center of the municipality. It is the highest location along the entire pipeline route. From there, the crude oil begins a downhill journey of almost 2,000 meters until it gets to the Vasconia station, in Boyacá.

Learn more about La Belleza

Municipality of Florian

Florian is located in the province of Velez, Santander, and is a neighbor of the municipality La Belleza, where Ocensa's station is located. It has a typical mountain weather of the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera with a humid tropical climate in the lower and middle territory, and a humid temperate mountain climate in its top zone. It has three thermal floors: warm, temperate and cold.

If you want to visit the municipality, the Ventanas de Tisquizoque is a must. In it, a naturally formed cave is the mouth of the La Venta ravine, where its waters cascade for almost 300 meters. From there you can appreciate a delightful panoramic view of the municipality.

Learn more about Florian

Municipality of Barrancabermeja

Barrancabermeja is the largest city in the natural sub-region of Magdalena Medio and the most important industrial city in the department of Santander. It is the headquarters of the country's largest oil refinery and a large sector of its economic activity is focused on the petrochemical industry, logistics and transportation.

*The refinery of Ecopetrol began its operations on February 18, 1922, with a simple still that used firewood as a heat source to distill crude oil and a production of 1,500 barrels per day. Today, 99 years later, it has the capacity to process up to 225,000 barrels per day of crude oil and is made up of 54 refining units, 32 industrial services units, an optimization center from which its operations are commanded remotely and securely, and 351 storage tanks.

*Source Ecopetrol

Learn more about Barrancabermeja


La Belleza Station


Unlike the existing stations in Casanare and Boyaca, La Belleza is a way station, not a process station. Here, the pressure of the crude oil is reduced so it can flow down 2,300 meters to the Vasconia station. Thus, risks caused by pressure are minimized.

  • Pass-through station
  • Function: pressure control
  • Storage capacity: 20,000 barrels for emergencies.

